Tips to Develop Your Leadership Skills: A Practical Cheatsheet for Scrum Masters

In the world of Scrum, effective team leadership is crucial for success. Scrum Masters play a key role in guiding their teams to work smoothly and achieve great results. This guide introduces a practical cheatsheet for Scrum Masters to help them build stronger, more effective teams. We will focus on some starter practical activities that Scrum Masters can do themselves. These tips are based on the latest, scientifically validated, research on high-performance teams.

Tip 1: Fostering Team Leadership and Trust

Trust is the holy grail of leadership. If your team trusts you, they will follow you.

Key Theoretical Concepts:

  • Leader-Member Exchange Theory
  • Integrative Model of Trust

Activities for Scrum Masters:

  • Create a Team Charter: Write down your team’s goals, roles, and expectations together. This helps everyone understand their responsibilities.
  • Trust-Building Exercises: Organize activities like sharing personal stories or team-building games to build trust among team members.

Example: At the start of a sprint, ask each team member to share something personal about their week. This builds trust and makes the team feel closer.

Tip 2: Developing Shared Situational Awareness

This is one of the core strengths of agile frameworks. Don’t see the ceremonies as a waste of time. Work hard at making them enjoyable for your team. The results will speak for themselves!

Key Theoretical Concepts:

Activities for Scrum Masters:

  • Team Mapping: Draw a visual map of your project. Show who is responsible for each task and how tasks are connected.
  • Design Coordination Protocols: Create simple rules for how the team will communicate and coordinate. For example, decide on a regular check-in time each day.

Example: Use a whiteboard or digital tool to map out the sprint tasks. Clearly show who is working on what and how tasks depend on each other.

Tip 3: Enabling Backup Behaviors and Adaptability

Once again the team may feel like they do not have time for this. The reality, as shown in team research, is that the team needs to practise what to do when the wheels come off. And it will come off. Navigating their way out of obstacles is the mark of a high-performance team.

Key Theoretical Concepts:

  • Team Regulatory Cycles
  • Team Coordination Theory – Roles and Routines

Activities for Scrum Masters:

  • Cross-Training: Encourage team members to learn each other’s tasks. This way, they can help out if someone is busy or absent.
  • Backup Scenario Simulations: Practice what to do if things go wrong. For example, simulate a scenario where a team member is unexpectedly out and the rest of the team has to cover their work.

Example: During a sprint planning session, pair team members to teach each other their roles. This helps everyone understand different parts of the project.

Tip 4: Promoting Team Reflexivity and Learning

A lot of teams add LEAN to their SCRUM framework and KAIZAN (continuous improvement) is built into LEAN. This is good stuff. Add this to your retrospective session.

Key Theoretical Concepts:

  • Team Reflexivity Models

Activities for Scrum Masters:

  • After-Action Review Workshops: After a sprint, hold a meeting to discuss what went well and what didn’t. Use this feedback to improve future sprints.
  • Process Redesign: Regularly review and improve your team’s processes based on feedback.

Example: At the end of each sprint, ask the team to list three things that went well and three things that can be improved. Use this to make small changes in the next sprint.

Tip 5: Optimizing Team Communication

One of the simple practises is closed-loop communication. High-risk surgery teams do this. Military teams do this. Your team should too.

Key Theoretical Concepts:

  • Media Synchronicity Theory
  • Team Communication Model – Closed-loop practices

Activities for Scrum Masters:

  • Media Selection: Choose the right tools for communication. For example, use video calls for important meetings and chat apps for quick questions.
  • Develop Communication Competencies: Practice closed-loop communication, where the receiver repeats back what they heard to confirm understanding.

Example: During daily stand-ups, ask team members to repeat back key points. This ensures everyone understands and reduces miscommunication.


This cheatsheet is a start to helping Scrum Masters build effective, high-performing teams. By focusing on trust, shared understanding, adaptability, continuous learning, and clear communication, Scrum Masters can lead their teams to success. Each tip includes practical activities that are easy to implement and directly applicable to a Scrum Master’s daily work.

Investing time in these activities will enhance your leadership skills and create a cohesive, adaptable, and efficient team. Embrace this approach to unlock your team’s full potential and achieve outstanding results.

Theo van der Westhuizen

As an experienced Enterprise Agile Coach and Leadership Development Practitioner, I write about Agile Methodologies, High-performing Teams and Leadership Development. My purpose is to develop masterful Scrum Masters who can develop and lead High-performing Teams in various industries (not just IT).


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