Choosing between Scrum and Kanban

Choosing between Scrum and Kanban often depends on the nature of the work, the team’s structure, and the specific project requirements. Here are specific use cases for each, highlighting scenarios where one framework is more suitable than the other.

Specific Use Cases for Scrum

Software Development Projects:

Scenario: A company is developing a new mobile application with multiple features that need to be built, tested, and integrated.

Why Scrum Works: The project can be broken down into sprints, allowing the team to focus on delivering incrementally complete and shippable features. The structure of Scrum with defined roles, ceremonies, and time-boxed sprints helps maintain focus and regular progress.

Product Launches:

Scenario: A marketing team is planning a major product launch with a fixed deadline and several key deliverables like promotional content, ad campaigns, and event planning.

Why Scrum Works: The team can organize their work into sprints, ensuring that critical tasks are completed in a timely manner. Regular sprint reviews and retrospectives allow the team to adjust their strategies and ensure alignment with the launch goals.

Complex Projects with Changing Requirements:

Scenario: A company is working on a project where the scope and requirements are expected to evolve based on stakeholder feedback and market conditions.

Why Scrum Works: Scrum’s iterative approach allows for regular reassessment of priorities and adaptation to changes. The Product Backlog and sprint planning ensure that the team can pivot as necessary without losing momentum.

Specific Use Cases for Kanban

Operational Support and Maintenance:

Scenario: An IT support team handles incoming service requests, bug fixes, and routine maintenance tasks.

Why Kanban Works: The continuous flow and pull-based system of Kanban allow the team to manage varying priorities and incoming work efficiently. WIP limits help maintain focus and prevent overload, ensuring that tasks are completed promptly.

Manufacturing and Production:

Scenario: A factory production line needs to manage inventory and production tasks in a just-in-time manner.

Why Kanban Works: Kanban’s visual boards and flow management are ideal for monitoring work status and managing inventory. The system’s flexibility supports the dynamic nature of production schedules and demands.

Content Production:

Scenario: A content creation team is responsible for producing articles, videos, and other materials for a website.

Why Kanban Works: The team can visualize the content production process, from idea generation to publication, on a Kanban board. This helps in managing deadlines and adjusting priorities based on the editorial calendar.

Scenarios Where One Framework Doesn’t Work

Scrum in Unstructured, Ad-Hoc Environments:

Scenario: A customer support team deals with unpredictable and varying support tickets that need immediate attention.

Why Scrum Doesn’t Work: The rigid structure of sprints and predefined roles in Scrum can’t handle the constant flux of incoming support requests. The need for continuous adjustment and immediate response is better suited for Kanban.

Kanban for Large-Scale, Feature-Driven Software Development:

Scenario: A tech company is building a new enterprise software product with multiple integrated modules.

Why Kanban Doesn’t Work: The lack of defined iterations and structured planning in Kanban can lead to challenges in coordinating large, interdependent feature sets. Scrum’s sprints and regular planning sessions are more effective in managing such complex projects with clear milestones and deliverables.

Scrum for Routine, Repetitive Tasks:

Scenario: A data entry team handles ongoing data processing tasks with little variation.

Why Scrum Doesn’t Work: The iterative nature of Scrum with its sprint planning, reviews, and retrospectives adds unnecessary overhead for repetitive work. Kanban’s focus on continuous flow and process optimization is more efficient for such scenarios.

Kanban in Fixed Deadline Projects:

Scenario: A company is preparing for a major annual event with a strict deadline and multiple dependent tasks.

Why Kanban Doesn’t Work: The lack of time-boxed iterations and structured planning in Kanban makes it difficult to ensure all tasks are completed in a coordinated manner by the fixed deadline. Scrum’s sprint-based approach with defined goals and reviews helps in tracking progress towards the deadline effectively.


Scrum and Kanban serve different purposes and are suited to different types of work environments. Scrum is ideal for structured projects with clear goals, evolving requirements, and a need for regular feedback. Kanban excels in environments where work is continuous, priorities frequently shift, and tasks need to be managed dynamically. Understanding these differences helps select the right framework to maximize team productivity and project success.

Theo van der Westhuizen

As an experienced Enterprise Agile Coach and Leadership Development Practitioner, I write about Agile Methodologies, High-performing Teams and Leadership Development. My purpose is to develop masterful Scrum Masters who can develop and lead High-performing Teams in various industries (not just IT).


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