Theo van der Westhuizen

  • SCRUM Artifacts: The Recipe Book of Project Progress

    Scrum artifacts are akin to the well-thumbed pages of a recipe book—essential guides that showcase what’s being prepared, what’s already cooked, and what’s yet to grace the dining table. These artifacts serve as the cornerstone of transparency and collaboration, ensuring everyone involved in the project is informed and empowered to contribute to its success. The…

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  • The Sprint Retrospective

    In using a kitchen metaphor of Scrum, the Sprint Retrospective serves as the chef’s post-service debrief—a reflective gathering where the culinary team examines their performance, identifies areas for improvement, and collaboratively crafts a recipe for future success. The Essence of the Sprint Retrospective 1. Reflecting on the Journey:    Just as a chef reflects on…

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  • The Sprint Review

    In the kitchen metaphor of Scrum, the Sprint Review is akin to a chef’s grand unveiling—a momentous occasion where the culinary team showcases their latest creations and collaborates with stakeholders to shape the future of the project. The Essence of the Sprint Review 1. Celebrating Achievements:    Just as a chef eagerly presents their culinary…

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  • The Daily SCRUM

    Using a kitchen metaphor of Scrum, the Daily Scrum serves as the morning huddle—a quick check-in meeting where the culinary team gathers to synchronize their efforts and ensure a smooth day of cooking ahead. The Essence of the Daily Scrum 1. Daily Check-in:    Just as chefs and kitchen staff gather each morning to review…

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  • Sprint Planning

    Using the kitchen as a metaphor for Scrum, Sprint Planning serves as the culinary brainstorming session that sets the tone for the Sprint ahead. It’s akin to the chef gathering the kitchen brigade to map out the day’s menu and allocate tasks efficiently. The Ingredients of Sprint Planning 1. Preparation and Collaboration:    Just as…

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  • The Sprint: The Rhythmic Pulse of Scrum

    In the symphony of Scrum, the Sprint serves as the steady rhythm that propels ideas into tangible value. It’s akin to the heartbeat that keeps the team in sync, pulsating with energy and purpose. The Essence of the Sprint 1. Short, Fixed Periods:    Sprints are like short, fixed periods of time—usually a month or…

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  • Meet the Product Owner: The Head Chef in the Kitchen

    In our culinary journey through Scrum, we’ve met the Scrum Master, the Developers, and explored the dynamics of the Scrum Team. Now, it’s time to introduce another essential player: the Product Owner. Think of them as the head chef of the kitchen, orchestrating the culinary masterpiece and ensuring the team serves up dishes that delight…

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  • The Vital Role of Developers in the SCRUM Team

    We’ve talked about the Scrum Team as a whole and explored the roles of the Scrum Master and the Product Owner. Now, let’s shine the spotlight on the Developers—the hardworking folks who roll up their sleeves and bring the team’s goals to life. They’re like the skilled bakers in the kitchen, mixing, baking, and decorating…

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  • Meet the SCRUM Team

    We’ve explored how Scrum is like a flexible recipe, how it values transparency, inspection, and adaptation, and how it relies on strong values. Now, let’s get to know the key players who make it all happen: the Scrum Team. This team is like a group of expert chefs, each with a special role, working together…

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